Songs for my Blog

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Present, About Driving (Part 1)

Attended my first driving lesson. I salute all those people out there who have no problem driving their cars. Driving wasn't as easy as I expected, at least for the first lesson it wasn't. After explaining about safety procedures and vehicle controls, we got down to business. Though I've seen Dad drive countless of times, it was totally different when I took the wheel.

Driving isn't easy. Even before moving off, I had trouble with my hand and feet coordination. While trying to figure out what to do next, my eyes need to be fixed on the road. I felt like a blind person trying to touch my way through the appropriate gear and pedal. With more practice, the car was able to move forward, reverse and stop.

The instructor was pretty nice. He preferred to let me fend for myself while he gave commands like 'move forward'. If I appeared to have no idea what to do then he would give the next set of instructions to help me through. And so we practised, I mean I practised in the following sequence: forward, stop, backward, stop. I wasn't too good at the changing of gears because more precise feet coordination was required.

Unfortunately, 100 minutes didn't last very long and it was soon over as the instructor brought my attention to the clock on the car. Looking forward to my next lesson, hope I can try out the driving course next.