I’ve always been fascinated by eclipses ever since I have watched the hit series ‘Heroes’. People always regard the eclipse as a mysterious phenomenon. The Chinese believed that it was a sign of the wrath of a ‘Heavenly Dog’ while the Westerners believed strange things happen during eclipses, like in Heroes in which ordinary people gain superpowers. Well, science proved that the Chinese version ain’t true, but I cannot say the same for the Western version.
And so I was pretty excited that a solar eclipse can be seen on 26 January. I did a check on what really happens during a solar eclipse and here is what I got from Wikipedia: A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is wholly or partially obscured. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth.
I didn’t get to see the solar eclipse, so I went online to search after my CNY house-to-house visits. Here are the pictures from sgforums:
then the clouds blocked the Sun
By the way, nothing strange happened to me after the eclipse, just that I got red eyes the next morning. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the eclipse, just some heatiness from yesterday’s treats. But who knows? I shall monitor my situation.
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