Songs for my Blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Present, About Driving (Part 5)

I seriously wonder if I'm just not driving material. It's my 5th lesson already and I'm still stuck in the driving course. Perhaps the instructor thinks I'm not good enough. This is bad, coz learning to drive isn't cheap.

Apart from the lack of confidence in myself, today's lesson was pretty relaxed, owning to the joker nature of the instructor and the ease of driving in the course. Considering that this was the eve of the release of the 'A' Level results, I felt that I drove well. Well enough to have a little chit-chat session with the instructor while driving. Of course, this was because I was in the driving course rather than outside the big dangerous public roads.

I was like a caged bird, protected from the outside world but hoping to roam free. Perhaps driving is something like learning kung-fu, you always start with the ma pu-- the half squat position and you need to do that for years. Well, the instructor is always right. If I'm not ready, then I'm not. Better luck next time.

Speaking of luck, I guess I need a lot of it tomorrow.